Youth & Children at ACC
Our youngest Members can enjoy our supervised indoor Nursery and Toddler’s playroom. Older children will enjoy the Outdoor Playground as well as the Game Room and Table Tennis facilities.
Children of all ages will enjoy learning and competing in the many sports activities available in the Club. Swimming and racquet sport lessons are always a favorite, with special competitions held here at the club for younger competitors. Look out too for the spring and summer camp activities which are always popular and are a great way to introduce children to new sports, crafts and activities.
We have many events and activities throughout the year aimed at children from pre-school through to teens. Our ACC Easter, Halloween and Christmas events as well as our annual Father & Daughter Ball are always particular favorites. Check out the dedicated Family Events & Activities page, or browse through the main events listings for full details.
Youth & Children
Children’s Reading Room
Operational Hours: Daily: 09:00-21:00 Teenagers can find some tranquility in the new Reading Room, which is complete with a large furnished study area and four computers. Rules: This room is reserved for Members age 16 & below who are responsible for appropriate initialization and care of the facilities. Parents are responsible for the conduct of…
Nursery & Toddler’s Playroom
A well-equipped Nursery is provided for Members’ children two to six years of age. Full-time supervision is provided to ensure a safe and happy environment.
Games Room
For pre-teens and teens, we have a Game Room with an exciting array of traditional and computer-based games.
Outdoor Playground
The Outdoor Playground is equipped with swings, slides, climbing towers and monkey bars. The ground is covered with a rubberized surface throughout.
Family Events & Activities
We have many events and activities throughout the year aimed at children from pre-school through to teens. Our ACC Easter, Halloween and Christmas events as well as our annual Father & Daughter Ball are always particular favorites.