News & Events
Sponsorship & Advertising with us
We offer several advertising and sponsorship opportunities, with valuable platforms for your brand reinforcement and potential customer interaction.
As the single private club for the international community in Taipei, with over 1,500 Members from 38 countries, various Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, organizations, schools and universities, the ACC is unique in being the most precise and effective way to reach the foreign and international social and business communities.
Event Sponsorship
Every year, the ACC hosts numerous family and business-related events.
Family events such as Hometown 4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas parties are always extremely popular.
International business-related seminars and throughout each year’s events ranging from wine-tastings to dancing classes/demonstrations.
Platinum Sponsor Partnership Package(s)
Lucky Draw / Prize Sponsorship
which can be customized based on each event and for your company, and we welcome any and all sponsor ideas.
Here is the highlight of our annual social and entertainment events:
Holiday / Social |
Sports |
Be our platinum sponsor and get the exclusive opportunity to reach to our Members!
For more details of the event and sponsorship, we encourage you to contact our Marcom Department, Hui-Yi Wang at 02 2885-8260 ext. 688 or email to marcom.mgr@americanclub.org.tw in order to customize sponsorships that fulfill your corporate social responsibility!
Advertising with us
Gain access to an audience in excess of five thousand in the ACC community via the:
ACC Website
Our website is frequently updated with news, promotions, and activities. Members will log in to make reservations and sign up for events and sports classes.
The advertising opportunity is available through banner advertisements or logos with embedded links to the sponsor’s desired website.
ACCENT Magazine
What is the ACCENT?
ACCENT is ACC’s bi-monthly club magazine initiated in 1976, with a readership around 5,000. The content covers several Club-related topics, lifestyle articles, F&B and sports information, special Club and Member events and activities.
Where is the ACCENT Magazine distributed?
- Directly email to all our Members with limited hard copies around the Club
- ACC’s Library, Hair& Spa, and Fitness Center
- Local communities and organizations (TAS, TES, AIT, The Community Services Center)
- The ACC website digital version (login required)
Choose the right ACC advertising platform for your needs!
For more information, please contact our Marcom Department, Hui-Yi Wang at 02 2885-8260 ext.688 or email to marcom.mgr@americanclub.org.tw