Club News
eComments – We Want Your Feedback!
New eComments Feature on ACC Website
From Monday June 3rd a new “eComments” feature will be available on the ACC website.
The purpose of eComments is to make is as easy as possible for Members to provide feedback to Management and the Board of Governors about any aspect of Club Membership. This feedback is an important means to gaining an understanding what matters most to Members, and how the Club and its activities can be further improved to truly make it the Best Club in Asia.
Once logged in you will see a new icon in the header section of the site. Clicking or tapping this will take you directly to entry of a new “eComment”. This is how the icon looks on full-size screens and mobile devices:
Alternatively, you can use the “Provide a Comment” link on the “About Us” Menu (see above), or the new eComment buttons on your own Members Only “Account Dashboard” page (see below):
Comment entry is very quick and easy (similar to our existing Comment Cards). If you have requested a response to your feedback this will be provided to you via the eComments system, and you will be notified by email. Every comment submitted will be reviewed by Management, the Board of Governors, and any relevant Committees, and a response will be provided where requested.
You can also attach files with your Comment, and when using a mobile device you can take a photo, or record a video directly. If recording videos at high definition you should keep the duration to within 10 seconds. Please note that attached files will be removed from the Comment record once the management team has reviewed the contents.
If you check the option to receive a response to your comment the management team will respond to you via the eComments system and you will receive an email notification. You can also review all your previous comments, along with their responses and relies via your own “My Comments” list on the Account Dashboard page.
We look forward to receiving your feedback!