Location:Swimming Pool
This event does not count toward your F&B Monthly Minimum Amount.


Date & Time: From July 12, Every Friday, 8:00-8:50 a.m.
Location: Swimming Pool
Available places: 6(Max) to 3 (Min)
Fees: FREE
Instructor: Mae Sun


Dive into Hydro Fit Boot Camp! Join our dynamic water workout that combines resistance and fitness for a fun and challenging class. Led by our experienced instructor Mae, you’ll engage in low-impact exercises using buoyant equipment, building strength and endurance.
Suitable for all fitness levels, this invigorating class in the water will help you achieve your fitness goals in a supportive environment. Get ready for an exciting fitness adventure in the pool!
According to medical studies, exercising in water allows your body and joints to move more easily due to the buoyancy of the water and lack of stress on the joints. For those in pain, the lack of stress on the problematic areas decreases the discomfort, while the water resistance allows the muscles to strengthen and can relieve pain in the future. The lack of stress on the joints in no way means these workouts are easy! In fact, water resistance helps you burn more calories in less time by activating all the body’s muscles to constantly fight against that resistance.

For more information, please contact Fitness Center Staff at 02 2885-8260 ext. 378